
AJoy Rocks the Regional Contest Stage

A cappella Joy was thrilled to send 54 members to sunny Spokane last month for our annual Regional Competition.  Each singer rocked the day in a purple glitter costume, with eye-popping make-up, and sporting a Victory Roll hairdo reminiscent of a 1940's telephone operator.  

We sang our soulful ballad, Wee Small Hours, and bopped our way through our Brian Setzer up-tune, Rock This Town, along with 20 other choruses from our fine region. Last year at this competition we came in second, and our score was high enough to earn a "wild card" spot at International Competition in 2017. So this year at Regionals, we performed for evaluation only, and we'll take our tips from the fine judges to help us prepare for the fall.  

Our next big adventure is competing as Contestant No. 16 out of a total of 34 of the  best Sweet Adelines choruses in the world in Las Vegas this October!  Whoo hoo!  Join us on the road!